Cubieverse: The Paraguayan Video Game Making Global Waves

Paraguayan innovation takes center stage with Cubieverse, a mobile video game developed by local studio Posibillian Tech for U.S.-based Titanium Toaster. After nearly five years of dedicated work, the game has expanded to 40 countries and is now launching in Paraguay.
Formerly known as Coin Hunt World, Cubieverse is a play-to-earn game built on Web3 technology, blending geolocation, trivia, and virtual structure building. Its standout feature is allowing players to earn Bitcoin and Ethereum without financial investment, setting it apart from other crypto-based games.
Led entirely from Paraguay, the project brought together 45 professionals, making it the largest video game development team in the country's history. CEO Juan Eduardo de Urraza celebrates the game’s success as proof that Paraguayan talent can compete globally. With rising cryptocurrency interest, Cubieverse continues to grow, offering an engaging and rewarding experience while strengthening Paraguay’s reputation in the gaming and tech industries. (Source: RevistaFoco)