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Housing and Infrastructure Improvements Underway in Bañado Tacumbú

Housing and Infrastructure Improvements Underway in Bañado Tacumbú
Source: ADNdigital

Paraguay’s Bañado Sur Rehabilitation and Housing Program is conducting a comprehensive survey in Bañado Tacumbú to collect updated data on homes and businesses. This initiative will guide the development of new housing, infrastructure, and essential services in the area.

The survey, running from January 23 through February, is carried out by social teams alongside local organizations. They visit homes daily to document living conditions, gather community input, and ensure residents are informed through meetings, social media, and a WhatsApp hotline.

Led by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), the project aims to construct 1,500 social housing units as part of the Nuevo Barrio Tacumbú, supported by a $100 million loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This initiative seeks to improve living conditions and create a sustainable, well-planned neighborhood for residents. (Source: ADNdigital)