1 min read

Paraguay to Lead with Latin America’s First Cassava-Based Resin Industry

Paraguay to Lead with Latin America’s First Cassava-Based Resin Industry
Source: Madre.Eco

Paraguayan micro-enterprise Madre, Mejores Empaques is set to revolutionize sustainable packaging by becoming the first cassava starch-based resin industry in Latin America. The company, dedicated to producing eco-friendly bags and packaging, aims to reduce single-use plastics and organic waste in landfills.

Founder and executive director María Nasta highlighted that the company received funding from the MSME Competitiveness Program (PCM), allowing them to develop their own biodegradable resin. Their compostable products fully break down in three months in composting conditions and six months in landfills, leaving no harmful residues.

This innovative initiative not only strengthens Madre, Mejores Empaques as a sustainability leader but also positions Paraguay at the forefront of eco-friendly manufacturing in the region. (Source: RevistaFoco)